Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Nantwich fabric sale - report!

The fabric sale this year seemed even busier than in previous years. There was so much demand for the new book, "Compendium of Quilting Techniques", that I didn't have time to leave the demo stand from 10a.m. till 3p.m.! I think the photo was taken late in the afternoon, when I was feeling a bit worn out.

I was also demoing sashiko, stitching the halo on the Denman Kannon. We were in front of the bar, where the lighting didn't really show up the various shades of white and cream I am using on the halo - the glowing effect I'm aiming for will be more obvious, though still subtle, when the halo is finished.

Here's a Rice Sack Bag Mk 2!

This splendid version of my "Roman Perdu" quilt (below) is being raffled to raise funds for a South African children's charity. The raffle will be drawn early in Feburary. If you would like tickets, please contact me asap via my website, and I'll forward your message to the raffle organisers. Tickets are £1.

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