Before leaving Bridlington last Thursday, Kerstin, her mum Helga & me fitted in a quick visit to Bridlington Sewing Centre before they rushed off for their train. Barbara, who runs the shop with her husband (a sewing machine repair/servicing whizz), came to the Super Strips workshop the previous Saturday and also to the Japanese Circles and Squares workshop I ran at the Royal Hotel last January. She made a lovely version of Super Strips using Moda's "Maison de Garance" Jelly Roll, shown above with the outer borders added and below as it was at the end of the workshop day. She has made a great job of shading through the full range of the fabrics in the outer strip border. Rather than use pieces from the roll for the framing borders, Barbara chose a fabric from their shop, which coordinated perfectly. When we visited on Thursday, she showed me her choice for the backing - another reproduction print which was perfect for a project I'm making, so I ended up with what was left!

Barbara doesn't sell Jelly Rolls in the shop and explained on Saturday that they are more of a general sewing shop, but we found they had a good range of patchwork fabrics when we visited, at very good prices too. The shop is really crammed with goodies, including a wide range of eyelets like those I used for my Pudding Bag in '21 Sensational Patchwork Bags'. I found a Lonni Rossi panel print which was simply stunning (one that I had on an online wishlist) plus a several reproduction fabrics perfect for ongoing projects. You have to look up though, because even the top few inches of the shelves have patchwork bolts stacked right up to the ceiling...

In the middle of the town centre and only minutes from the harbour, the shop is easy to find (if you need some rock or ice cream, you're in the right area too).

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