I don't think I've posted a picture of this design before - the cushion at the front left of the photo was inspired by the narrowboat signwriting and cabin decoration. I used to sell it as a kit, which came with a full alphabet and number chart, so you could add the name and date of your choice. Perhaps I should reissue the pattern?
I used to do a lot of needlepoint, all issued as patterns, mainly with Japanese designs (images from scanned photos).
The four seasons -
Designs from C17th Noh costumes -
From antique lacquerware -
Inspired by an old piece of chiyogami stencilled paper -
I have the cover for a 1930s recliner finished - just need to find an upholsterer to restore the chair!
These are incredibly beautiful designs--breath-taking!
I like the narrowboat cushion design and would love to see this re-issued. My son and daughter in law live on a narrowboat and it would make a great present. The name is rather long though 'Barrovian Passion' might not fit!
Hi Anne,
Drop me a line in a few week's time (my e mail address is on my website www.susanbriscoe.com) and I will see if I can find the pattern and scan it for you as a pdf.
I think you would be able to squeeze up or adapt the alphabet design slightly to fit the name on, if you have one word above and one below the roses in the centre. 'Barrovian' is only one letter longer than 'Victoria', so narrowing the letters by a stitch or two each would probably do it, and perhaps linking the serifs as well. No problem fitting 'Passion' in instead of the date. A friend made this with an even longer name (I can't remember it now) and fitted it in by using a narrower cross stitch alphabet which I think came from a Dover book of cross stitch alphabet charts.
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