Friday, Saturday and Sunday was the Spring Quilt Festival at Edinburgh. My demo stand was at the side of the stairwell, so for once I needed a jumper to keep warm at a show! I had a great time, meeting many quilters I've taught up here, as well as lots of people new to the quilting world (there seem to be plenty of newcomers at every show in recent years, which is good news) and planning some workshops around Scotland. I'll post info about workshops at shops up here as they are confirmed. The new sashiko workshop, the gazashi (moth stitch) pattern, sold out every day and seemed to go down well. Now I'll have to do a larger piece of sashiko using the pattern in an innovative style.
This sashiko bag is stunning - komezashi (rice stitch) is the pattern filling in the Scottish thistle and the other side has multicoloured thread used to create a sashiko 'tartan'!

News of my move to Scotland has been travelling fast across the region and Glyn helped me out on Saturday and Sunday, getting to know a few more quilters (and quilt shops) in the process.

As ususal, this show features various exhibitions by individual quilters and groups. It isn't a competitive show, but an opportunity to see groups of related works.
Dilys Fronks had some of her floral batik applique quilts on show (which was why we have her garden gate quilts at Quiltfest instead - I hope we'll be able to have the batiks another year!) I didn't get any photos, but you can see some of them in the third gallery on her website - click here.
Rebecca Collins was the second north Wales quilter with work on display. She doesn't have a website, so sorry there's no link this time. Her retrospective delved back into the 1980s and 1990s, and the fabrics used in her earlier quilts are very nostalgic for anyone who started quilting back then. She uses a lot of traditional blocks but gives them her own special twist in various ways, often with subtle fabric shading effects.

Jan Hassard quilts are full of gorgeous colour and fantastic geometrical games creating all kinds of optical illusions. A lot of her signature designs are available as workshops, and you can see them in more detail in her website gallery. 'Undulations' was on show (the gallery photo is much better than mine), but I couldn't find a gallery photo for this one, 'Sunrise', -

Anja Townrow had a collection of her quilts displayed. Her work is always so colourful and beatifully pieced, with as many curves as you like! A lot of them are available as patterns on her website. 'Clockwork' (below), 'Spinning Wheel' and 'Playing in the Pond' were my favourites.

Pat Archibald had organised another project based on a poem, this time Wordsworth's Daffodils. Each quilter had two lines to illustrate. I particularly liked these two, but unfortunately I can't read the maker's info cards in the photo, so I don't know who made them. If anyone can let me know, please do. I can just about make out the name 'Ruth' on the card in the first photo, but I can't read her surname. I didn't have a lot of time to see this quilts at this show, as I was so busy, and didn't do my usual trick of photographing the labels in enough detail to be able to read!

Batiks featured in many of the exhibits and there seemed to be more gorgeous batiks on sale than ever. I picked up a few new ones and am planning to enter the 'Batik Beauties' competition this year. The quilts are just one metre square, so it doesn't take too long to do, and it's usually a fun theme. IMHO, a successful challenge needs to allow for a lot of creativity in design, not take too long to make (competition deadlines always seem so close!) and have plenty of options. A set theme, 75% minimum of batik fabrics and a small size seem like a good recipe for lots of entries.
These are just a handful of the individual and group exhibitions included in the show - the full list appears below. There will be two further opportunities to see the Spring Quilt Festival this year - at Chilford and Exeter.

1 comment:
Your quilts/crafts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world!
Hugs, Ulla (from Finland)
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