Saturday 15 August 2009

Lulea Blockhus quilt

It turned out I had saved the photo that appeared on the BBC local news website re Quiltfest back in 2002, showing the early stages of quilting my "Lulea Blockhus"(Lulea Log Cabin) quilt - it was on my zip drive. So, only eight years from start to finish... It will be at Festival of Quilts next week - look out for it in the "Traditional" category. I won't take as long to make another quilt to go with this one.

EDIT - By weird coincidence, it turned out that Alys Lewis from the BBC took the photo at the top of this post, not Val Shields (I had always thought it was one of her Quiltfest snaps). Alys interviewed me for the BBC webpage article about the kimono exhibition just a few weeks ago, and contacted me when she saw the photo here.

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