When I saw the sale listing for Antique Ryu Japan yesterday, they had included a Taisho (1920s) summer ro (open weave) kimono bolt that I really liked, so I ordered it. It is quite OTT! There's enough for kimono, but it isn't quite as long as a modern kimono bolt (12metres - this is about 20cm shorter). Enough to make kimono for me quite comfortably. It would go well with this vintage ro silk nagoya obi in my collection -

- and this modern ro obijime and obiage set -

I didn't have any summer kimono when I lived in Japan. When I've returned, it is always in the middle of winter or the middle of summer. On my last trip, one of the visitors to Peaceful Heart Quilt Group's quilt exhibition wore kimono every time. She looked so cool and nice in it, I resolved to get on with some summer kimono other than casual yukata.

The black polyester ro komon bolt below is the basis for a work outfit for Festival of Quilts (if I can fit in sewing it by mid August). With this summer tsuke (2 part) obi to go with it - also poly. You wrap the long part round you like a belt and the musubi bow hooks onto the back. The obijime and obiage do the work of holding the obi tied. The bolt was only 2500 Yen (£13) and the obi 1500 Yen (about £7.50), both from Yahoo! Japan Auctions (like eBay). I managed to get two of each, so if I can only get the kimono sewn in time, both me and my assistant might be wearing them.

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