Saturday 23 May 2009

"Popular Patchwork" & "Fabulous Fat Quarter Bags"

Popular Patchwork have got a bags issue out and have featured a design from my new book, "Fabulous Fat Quarter Bags", plus details on ordering my bag books. However, it seems that they have managed to write something that suggests to readers that my first two bag books, "21 Terrific..." and "21 Sensational Patchwork Bags" are available together for £12.99. That should be £12.99 EACH. I can't buy them BOTH from the publishers for £12.99, never mind sell them for that.

Please pass the word on - the first two books are £12.99 each and the "Fabulous..." is £19.99. Just to clear that up!

You can see the sale details for all my bags on my website.

UPDATE - Jane (Popular Patchwork's Editor) sent me the info they printed. It all looks OK to me!

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