It is usually very nice to hear from my books' readers, especially when they send me photos of the lovely work they've done from my book. However, I occasionally get very puzzling mail. Had one today - a reader who says she was inspired by "Japanese Sashiko Inspirations" and would like to buy the kits "of which you speak". She said she had contacted Euro Japan Links, who had referred her to me. I'm confused - the only kits which get mentioned in the book at all, because they were shown as ideas for reader's own work in the 'Inspiration Gallery' were listed on the suppliers page and they were Euro Japan kits. I did note "check for availability". The book was published in 2008, so not all of the kits are still available, although over half of them are. The letter seemed to suggest that there might be kits of everything in the book - sorry, there aren't! It would be a very big undertaking to do that.
The two quilt designs shown in the Inspiration Gallery are '99 Treasures' and 'Time and Again' - I sell these myself (on the patterns page at, along with the 'Shimacho' cushion which is also featured.
Unfortunately this reader says she doesn't have internet access and also didn't give me her phone number, so the only way to contact her is to write. She didn't include an SAE though...
Maybe if a friend mentions this subject, you could pass on the above information?
17 hours ago
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