Ann Ferguson at Quiltopia, in Maleny, Queensland, Australia, showed me photos of these gorgeous bags. She used the structural designs for the Komebukuro bag (above) and the Kaban Bag (below), but simplified the patchwork panels to show off some of the new fabric ranges at the shop.
Ann wrote on her Facebook page -
She pointed out that one charm pack would make two bags, as she has done here - you need twenty charm squares for each bag. The original bags in my book had slightly more complicated blocks for the panels, but they look great with the charm squares, don't they? I'm thinking about turning a charm pack version of the bag into a new workshop.
The machine Ann has is the same one my mum had in the 1970s and the first electric machine I used. I'd love to find another, but I don't know the model number. Ann told me that this one was Australian made around 1950s. It was her mum's and, like me, is the actual sewing machine she learnt to sew on - what a coincidence! She said she traded her first sewing machine, her grandmother's converted to electricity Singer treadle for one of these models too, when she first started quilting and before she got into old sewing machines! So Ann's had 2 of these as 'significant sewing machines in my life'. Lucky thing. They are real workhorses and fantasic for sewing heavier materials too, like denim - Ann recycled denim from an old pair of jeans for the handles, top trim and base, so her bag will wear very well indeed. I used a tea towel for the heavy cotton on my original one.
Thanks for the photos Ann! You always choose really gorgeous fabrics.
That's the same Singer as I got for my 21st birthday in 1963. I still have it. It's in my second home at the moment, but if you're interested I'll let you know the model number next time I'm there. It's in good working condition, with attachments, bobbins, and instruction book - I might consider an offer (grin). Margery.
Thanks Susan! They do look nice on your blog :)
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